About Malaysia Pawnbrokers Association (MPBA)
Malaysia Pawnbrokers Association (MPBA) is an industry association representing the pawnbroking industry of Malaysia. MPBA was formed on 13th November 1980 and is registered with the Registrar of Societies in Malaysia. The members of MPBA include sole proprietors, partners and companies engaged in providing pawnbroking services in East and West Malaysia.
The objectives of MPBA are as follows:
- To unite the pawnbrokers in Malaysia
- To foster the spirit of unity and mutual assistance
- To safeguard the interest of its members and to assist in social, educational and charity work.
- To provide a forum to discuss and resolve common problems of the pawnbroking industry.
- To provide a focal point for the pawnbroking industry to liaise with the public and government and to make recommendations on relevant issues.
- To advance the philosophy of Responsible Care, its implementation and compliance throughout the industry.
- To represent the pawnbroking industry within Malaysia to interface with similar groups or any other groups related to the industry.
- To compile and disseminate information of common concerns and facilitate consultations and exchange of views between members.
Association Info
Persatuan Tuan Punya Pajak Gadai Malaysia
Address: No. 19-21, Jalan Horley, 30300 Ipoh, Perak.
Tel: +603-32242828
Fax: +603-32242828